ভালবাসা বড়ই শক্তিশালী

ভালবাসা বড়ই শক্তিশালী ! এই শক্তি মানেনা কোন বাধা।, মানেনা কোন সমাজের নীতিমালা, মানেনা কোন জাত, মানেনা ধর্মের শাসন। ভালবাসা নামক শক্তি সমস্ত যুক্তিকে খড় কুটার মত ভাসিয়ে নিয়ে গেছে যুগ যুগান্তর ধরে। আমারতো মনে হয়, এই বাধা গুলো ভালবাসার শক্তিকে আর শক্তিশালী করে তুলতে সহায়তা করে। CR#1101



মানব মন

সত্যি মানব মন বড় ই বিচিত্র। জীবনের শেষ মুহূর্ত পর্যন্ত মানুষের মন কে বোঝা যায়না। এই মনের রঙ বদল হতেই থাকে। এ যেন জলের ওপর আঙ্গুল বুলিয়ে ছবি আকা।  আকাশের রঙ যেমন মুহুরতে মুহুরতে পালটায় তেমনি মানব মনেরো রঙ বদলের প্রক্রিয়া  অনবরত চলতে থাকে। বড়ই রহস্যময়!! CR#1100





When we pray for others, God listens to us and heal them. So when we are safe and peaceful, it is because someone is praying for us CR#1099




আসলে সত্যিকারের নোংরামি হয় অন্তরে। সব ময়লা ধুয়ে পরিস্কার করা যায়। কিন্তু কারো আত্মা যদি দূষিত হয় ঘৃণা ও ধর্মান্ধতা দিয়ে তা
বিশুদ্ধ জল ছিটিয়ে শুচি করা যায় না। পরিহার ও উপবাসের মাধ্যমে শরীর এবং মনের ময়লা শুদ্ধ করা যেতে পারে। কিন্তু অন্তরের ময়লাকে বিশুদ্ধ করতে পারে শুধুমাত্র ভালবাসা । এ আমার এলো মেলো মুহূর্তের এক ঝলক ভাবনা।মতভেদ হতে পারে। ~ CR1098



Father’s Day

Some of you claim every day is a Father’s Day but in reality, we keep ourselves busy with multiple chores. Like attending School, spouse, raise kids, maintain family, career, business, health and fitness. So every day we might not get an opportunity to express our Love towards him. A Father plays a very important role in our lives. He is the man who made it possible for us to exist.
Yes, it is Father’s day. Father works so hard for all of us. It is okay to make him special on this designated Day. Give your dad an opportunity to feel truly special and loved. Give credit to your father for all that he has done for you unconditionally. Your dad’s unconditional love and solid support have made you feel strong, confident and assured you that you have someone to depend on, in times of need. You can convey your true feelings to your dad on Father’s Day with meaningful wishes. Perform additional prayers for his well beings. Tell him loud and clear that he is very valuable and special to you and he makes your world a much more beautiful place to live. He needs to get the acknowledgement what he does for us and there is nothing better than to make Father’s Day special for him. Celebrate with him and make sure that this time he knows that he is very dear to you.
Don’t forget that our fathers will never tell about their difficulties, suffering and struggles but we can always do something to lessen his loads. If your Dad is not on this planet like my Dad, pray for his soul to be rest in peace.
It is the appropriate time that we recognize the importance of this angel in our life. He is continuously making our life happy with his kindness, love and care. Happy Father’s Day to you all. Dad, I love you. Sleep peacefully in heaven. Sending Love and prayers for those Father who are no more



I believe respect is a hidden essential tool to be successful in life . We should Respect everyone in our life. Love and respect your friends, your family, and your significant other. Respecting someone is an extremely important part of loving them. We have to respect someone we love and if we don’t respect them then we don’t really love them. Respect mostly comes down to realizing that everyone is a worthwhile person, with valid opinions and experiences. Realize that the other person has their own wishes and desires, and rights to privacy and dignity. If we can’t think these things about another person, then we can’t love them.I forgive every person who has undermined my Self-esteem . They helped me to become stronger. ~CR#1097


Reduce Violence

Research has shown that violent or aggressive behavior is often learned early in life. The most important way to minimize violence long term is to teach your children kindness, respect, compassion and the value of all life from an early age.

It all starts from home. Spend time with your kids. Listen to them and guide them. Define your family rules. Talk together about discipline, chores, computer/video, loyalty, honesty and explain why rules are and what consequences of violating them.

Be clear with your kids about family values and show them what these values look like in action. It is very necessary to teach them proper behavior.

When your children behave the way they are supposed to, make sure you let them know you noticed and appreciate them.

Raise respectful childrens. Just don’t say “Be gentle”. Show them how to be gentle.

Speak politely with them. Your politeness will be a role model for how to treat others.

My dad taught me when a maid or anyone in house breaks a cup or any expensive things. Do not scream at them. Be warm and caring to them becuase they are already feeling guilty about it.

We need to set a list of unacceptable behavior, like hitting , bullying should always be unacceptable, even if it’s on a day like their Birthday. If something is incorrect it has to be incorrect all the time. No exception.

Teach them to help others . According to Islam being a good neighbor and realizing the duty to our neighbors doesn’t just mean being friendly to the homeowners next door. It means to help take care of the community as a whole—and that includes the poor. No matter how busy I am I have always time for my kid in my agenda. In that time I don’t pick up my phone, i do not do anything exept spend time with him. ~#CR1096



Our everyday actions reflect upon our hearts. If we Love our God wholeheartedly, our actions will satisfy our Creator. CR1095



বিশ্বাস এবং প্রতাড়না

যদি কেউ তোমাকে প্রতাড়িত করে তাকে একবার ক্ষমা করে দিও ভুল শোধরানোর জন্য। কিন্তু দ্বিতীয় বার তাকে বিশ্বাস করোনা । তুমি যদি ভুলটা বার বার করো তার মানে হল তুমি নিজেকে অপমান করছ। নিজেকে সন্মান কর , ভালোবাসো কিন্তু একটা জিনিস মাথায় রেখ নিজেকে ভালবাসা মানে স্বার্থপর হওয়া নয়। এ কেবল ই আমার অনুভুতি। ❤ CR1094


Enjoy Life

Each of us gets the same twenty four hours in a day. But only a few of us realize the value of time. Make sure to use your time wisely. Don’t pursue unattainable goals and remain disappointed. Enjoy each moment. Focus on positive part of your life. True Haappiness is enjoying every second of your life, doing what you love to do.in order to achieve anything in life, it is important to feel a greater sense of internal trust and love for yourself. Build your life, moment by moment, with memories of love, kindness, and courage.

Some times we all need some push from a friend or family or it can be a nature . Do you know why I post some inspiring message everyday ? It is becuase I want you to forget your sorrow  for a moment and focus on positive part of life. Read inspirational posts. Reflect on the words of wise people. Understand their perspective about life, their solution of life, and gain new knowledge. This will help you to grow and your negative mental level will shift on to positive state of mind. Be happy and never quit. You are precious. Don’t forget you are a dear creation of GOD . Love Life and don’t you give up. I know you can do it . #CR1093
