
I just wanted to take a moment and say “thank you” to everyone for all of the birthdays wishes to my Mom. It means a lot to me that you all took time from your busy lives to wish her a happy birthday, and I feel very blessed to have each and every one of you as my friend.
These are important occasions that will reveal who are your true friends
Those who didn’t make an effort to join me deliberately on my occasions, I understand.
A true friend is like an angel who makes you feel special by their presence and remembers you in their prayers.
Be who you are !! You are not higher than me nor are you lower than me !! We share same Love energy, same earth !!! We all are equal. We are the world, we are ONE. It does not make you a better person when you are driven by negative EGO.
We all are Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether. We are the atoms. We are the cosmos. Together we are the Universe.
When you separate yourself and feel higher than another individual also feel seclusion these feeling are illusions. We all are created by same God. We share oxygen, same stars, same planets, same galaxies.
This world is an illusion. All you see and feel are your own reflection. This nature, Society, and the world are reflections of the collective unconscious. What we see and experience in the-the outer structure of the world, The beauty, the fear as well as the terror of this world, are inside of us. Nothing is outside, everything is internal.
Again we are equal and “ONE.” ~ CR#1100
