Balance between Mind and Heart

It is Autumn now. In the mornings it feels a little chilly, green grasses get wet with beautiful morning dew. Little bit later it becomes a very hot sunny day. Yesterday evening it’s been raining so hard. I enjoy the sound of sweet rain. On the other hand, I also enjoy beautiful shiny hot sunny days. They all have unique beauty and rhythm. Same way we are the winner sometimes, and we are the loser sometimes, some days it just rains..please don’t feel sorry about your circumstances. Just be brave and follow the guidence of your heart. The Mind can be very tricky. Try to align your mind with your heart. Life is precious and enjoy every little moment ❤ CRfb_img_1475030747138

True Friend

It is okay to Hope for love, it is okay to pray for love, it is okay to wish for love and dream for love…but please do not place your life on hold Wating for love. Please don’t !!! As a matter fact, you don’t need to go after with the intent to catch a True friend or true love. So try to recognize them because they might not be as bright and shiny as a fake one. Love those people in your life who are there in your need. They love you without any parameter, under all that logic, computation, and superstition. For me, it does not make any sense to try to linger a friendship which was only meant to be a keep them in a friend list or come and show up as a seasonal friend into a lifetime. In my understanding, “Friendship is the very deep word.
I hope you all understand my point ~CR ~CR#1114



Real Home

The struggle is resistance. Take a deep breath.
Be gentle to yourself. We are the children of the universe. No less than the trees and the stars. In the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. Dive into your heart. Your heart is an endless ocean of kindness, mercy, tenderness and compassion. Your real home is where your Heart is.

