Love Life

Why do you hate your life? I understand your pain. Come and listen to me . Why don’t you go outside for a moment, look up the sky. observe it, how big vast and amazing beauty. isn’t it? Sometimes it might have storm, variable cloudiness but It has colorful sunsets, pure beauty of sunrise, the moon on a misty night. Just contemplate some of these things.  If we ponder on it most of us experience some kind of aesthetic or mystical feelings. Same way life has ups and downs but it is beautiful. Enjoy each moment. Yes present moment. 😀


Love my Life

Life is too short. Do what makes your heart sing. Don’t worry about other peoples’ opinions about you. Worrying about what people think of you is useless, funny thing is those folks don’t even know what they think about themselves. I love my life.


Cherish them

A wish will not change anything but a decision and a proper action will or may change everything. We should Connect Life with our Days not Days to our Life.
I would rather have one Rose or a simple wild flower along with kind and caring words from a friend while I am here. Yes while my physical body is in this planet than a truck Load of flowers, tears and kind words when I am gone from this earth!!! Cherish those people who are in your life.
