
Happiness is a state of our mind that can’t be measured but can be felt, can be shared but no one can steal it and happiness can’t be taken..it’s a choice. Love your inner child . Are you happy??


Share Love

I was strolling around the neighborhood observing the beauty of nature and talking to myself. I am grateful to many things and many people but feel shy to express it. My inner self-advised me if you do not express your all hidden goodness, it is not worth it. It is like a beautiful gift hidden in a wrapped paper. So be open, be expressive and share Love !! when you are happy , you can make others happy.~ Choitalyk Ruman


Peace of mind

I agree financial solvency is very important but I feel for living, one must have soothing full moonlight, the sunshine, freedom, sweet music, a beautiful garden and a beautiful loving and caring family !! Peace of mind all that matter.


Enjoy the Pain

sometimes we like to enjoy the pain. Like yesterday I had some spicy food. The Food was so spicy itself, then I added Siracha Korean hot sauce. It became fiery hot. I enjoyed the pain voluntarily and I was punishing myself with that burning hot. That pain was worthy though ~~~hahaha


Pain and happiness

Pain and happiness are part of our life but they both are nonpermanent. Nothing is permanent, not even life itself.
Life is full of obstacles but In this turn of my life, I realized, I have to choose my own path. Happiness is all that matters !!
Where is the destination ?
There is a beautiful path from the eye to the heart That does not maintain any restriction. Happiness is hidden under worries. I just relese worries and i find my happpiness there.. That place is my real home. Very sweet home. ❤


Fall and outdoor

Ahhh what a colorful weather. Mother earth decorated herself with vibrant color. Fall is a wonderful time of the year. Weather is cool but not cold. Fall Leaves are falling all around. Rohan and his classmates have raked fall leaves for the community. Then Cruz around all over. Took some pictures. Now a days we are becoming screen-addicted, So we are stressed out and distracted than ever. We should get out from home and enjoy the nature. Nature is our remedy of many diseases.Enjoy the weather to benefit your health and calm you mind. You see all those tress…they work for Your health. They are my best friends. They have never betrayed me ever. Only given me unconditional love.



Spread Love and heal our mother planet.

I just wanted to let you know that I have really appreciated your presence. I also would like to say, Thank you so very much for liking, sharing a commenting on my uploaded posts. I am so happy to see there are positive people out there who have engaged themselves in positive actions and taking the time to send Love, compassion, and kindness to the world. It is a difficult time for many people affected by the recent unrest in the world.
We do not have control over this but we can do what can manage our anger and heal. I will try my best to inspire and motivate them who thinks differently about conflict and peace.
My posts will be working as a reminder but you need to read and Listen to your intuition and follow your gut instinct.
Every problem will not be solved by the logic. Please use your gut feelings to protect and keep yourself safe. Be strong. Be kind. Love each other. We all are One. We all are created by the same Creator. We are, the human family. Please do not separate your own brother/sister based on religious values. In this matter don’t go with the flow. Ask yourself if you are being the same situation, how would you feel? Think. Yes take a moment and think. Our mother earth is in pain. Because her own children’s are hurting each other. Please stop this harmful violence. Spread Love and heal our mother planet.



Enjoy NOW

Today use the nice beautiful bed sheet, wear the fancy outfit. Get a bunch of fresh flowers, Burn the candles, listen to mind soothing favorite music. Take selfie if you feel like to :p Relax ~~~ Close your eyes and thank God for everything s/he has given it to you. No need to save for special occasion. Do it” NOW” . Today is a special day. do it for yourself !! Pamper yourself. Do something for yourself, which is entirely dedicated to you. You deserve it. Don’t You worry about what other people says?  Your soul is  unique and special


Empty your negativity

You may break out your inner self as a nurturing parent. Like we can Imagine our negative ego is a temper tantrum child that is frightened, angry, jealous, greedy, may be insecure, or panicked. Indeed, tantrums and meltdowns are the biggest challenges to handle. In this case give that inner child some unconditional love and compassion. Change your negative EGO to LOVE. Release all Bitterness, jealousy, revenge and guilt from your heart and make a space. Now just fill your empty space of heart with joy, happiness, thankfulness. Just relax and watch the magic. I am not saying it is easy but also that it is not impossible. You have to forgive others and let it go. Your bad ego will try to prevent you but don’t listen. Just release your bad ego anyway and restore your peace of mind. Choose Love and enjoy life




Trust in God

When our life is in crisis, God will always help us to get through the issues. God’s timing will always be perfect. Just trust in God and be patient. Please remember God is always very close to the brokenhearted!! Be strong !!Just hang in there. Love you all divinely !!IMG_20161112_074242.jpg