Restore Peace

Time to time we all go through a crisis. On numerous occasions we’ve been in a stormy night and the darkness is all you can see and feel, it’s very tough to imagine there may be hope. It is okay to feel this way. It is the real pattern of life.

In this crucial moment dont panic and don’t forget no matter what and how down you are feeling there is always light at the end of the tunnel, the darkness only lasts for a brief moment before something good comes along. You need to set your mind in receptive mode
And believe something wonderful will happen.

We all need to stay positively strong, get up and enjoy the day. Don’t waste today’s happiness. You can never get today back, don’t waste your time dwelling on past issues . The past has gone. It will not come back, the only thing we can do is move on and change the future. Love each other unconditionally. Remember hate will not heal you. Love is a magnificent, soft and extreamly powerful force. Love is a feeling run by the heart. So spread the love and heal our beautiful planet. I love you devinely



Practicing good manners is important. It does not matter whether you are at home, at work, or with friends. If you practice good manners, you are paying respect to those around you that you are considerate of their feelings and respectful. You ae also setting standard how they will be treating you.
May be you are having bad day but maintain your manner positively. . I personally believe when we go to work or public place our personal issues should be left behind our home door. An ill manner drains the energy right out of you. Be careful about your words, tone of voice and your expression of body languages. They are very important. Be kind , caring and Compassionate. ~CR


Self Love

Pamper your inner self, Enhance your inner beauty with Love, kindness, tenderness and light. Go deeper level of your own self.
Create a wonderful internal world. Visit there very often. You’ll never feel bored.10675722_10205654881397499_6067296717889683523_n