
Our life is very interesting. Isn’t it? 🙂 We all go through struggles in life. It’s like a combat. sometimes we win. sometimes times we lose but we never stop fighting for what we believe in. I agree with you; It can be so hard but just be patient and hang in there. Tough time never stays. If you aren’t strong in difficult time, you don’t really enjoy good times. Sorrow, happiness, pain, the joy they come and go. These are the pattern of cosmos.
The awareness, stillness, open and present in this moment that we really are. Just observe, do not judge, notice, trust that moment and trust yourself6191774270_d84f5fe570_b

Love and Pride

If you ever feel life is treating you so bad. It is extremely challenging for you. Don’t beat yourself up. Don’t quit. Do not focus on your hurt. Guess what when pain is at its peak. You feel yourself closer to our creator. This is the best time to take the opportunity to find your hidden power. Expand your consciousness and feel it. You are powerful. Get rid of your pride. Fill that gap with pure love. Remember pride and Love can not stay together. ~CRfb_img_1488660490420