Ramadan Fasting is a Purification

Fasting in Ramadan is not only giving up food. You need to strictly give up anger, cheat on another, avoid all kind of evil action. On the other hand, be calm, serene, be kind, be compassionate, Practice empathy, release bad ego, jealousy, and straighten your own self from within.

When we fast we directly experience the pain of hungry people and we become kind, compassionate and grateful. We become more aware of others feeling and feel connection between one human being to another. You will start feeling oneness with all human beings regardless of religion, borders or labels. We are ONE human Race.

Fasting also detox our body, fasting allows our entire body to take rest from the breaking down food. During the Fasting in Ramadan for thirty days is a powerful practice. It will help us to restore and strengthen our focus, direction, balance and purpose to our lives.

Happy Ramadan everybody. It is okay to craving for food or other appealing subjects. This is a wonderful training time for become a better you. Yes 30 day you will remove all evil action and replace it with good deed. This practice will improve your will power. I know you can do it. If I can do it so can you. God, bless you.



Create Inner peace

14721682_1167192756695339_4774434886572079390_nCreate love within in your heart!!! ! Love is an extremely powerful energy. Love has been found as the remarkable energy of life or the unified field of consciousness. Peace cannot be established without Love!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥.. ~CR



Wake up every morning with a winning mindset! Allow happiness and be enthusiastic about life. Be grateful to God.  Remember people will criticize  you,  won’t love you no matter what you do. One the other hand some people won’t stop loving you no matter what you do.

Free yourself from past resentments and disappointments.  Allow yourself to be happy, Go where the love is! Choose Love. Overcome fear with Love energy.  Appreciate the many blessings in your life, and be thankful for anything and everything. When you develop an attitude of gratitude you inspire others to be happy as well.

 Just believe : You are strong, You are beautiful, Be grateful, Be courageous, Be love and be YOU.




Spend Quality Time with your Children

Teach your children how to think. Spend quality time with them. Answer their questions positively. No matter how many questions they ask please answer their questions. If you do not know them take time and make that answer ready for them. Remember they will find that answer from friends or any other source if they do not find it from you. One of the greatest gifts we can provide our kids is a strong personal value. Teaching your children to grow values such as Discipline, sincerity, honesty, self-reliance, and dependability is as important a part of their education as teaching them to read or how to write. The values you teach your children are their best protection from the influences of friend’s pressure and the temptations of fit in to the society. With their own values clearly defined, your children can make their own decisions rather than imitate their friends or the latest fashions.


Enjoy Life

In life, once in a while we all face a relationship crisis. At a certain point you have to shut the door on a relationship. As a matter of fact that is also part of our creator’s plan. Please don’t beat yourself up. Stop blaming yourself. It’s not your fault. Your peace is very important.

YOU can’t change anyone. Some people will never change. They don’t want to change. They just pretend to be asleep.

Stay happy. Ask help from God. Stay true to yourself. Take a walk in the park. There is an ample amount of beautiful things and that’s going to lift you up, make you happy. Observe the activities of Birds, see a laughing child, notice the nature in bloom. Keep focusing on these miraculous things.
Don’t worry about other people’s opinion. Trust me, God has your back. Relax. Have fun. There is nothing more important than feeling great.Enjoy the beauty. Enjoy life. 



Have strong faith. There are many belief systems in this world of illusion. I am not worrying about what you believe in. Just embrace it with your entire being. Faith in God and that will bring the peace within your heart. Having concrete and healthy faith is very important state of mind to drive you to the path of peace and wisdom.
Surrender yourself humbly. Do not be concerned with loss or gain. Love the world as your own Self; then you can truly care for all things.


Be positive

Always welcome the new day with beautiful smile, hopes, gratitude and aims in your life.
You are responsible for your own thoughts and happiness. Negative thoughts scrambles your brain. It decreases decision making ability. Negativity is a silent killer of dreams. These are people always focus on bad things in their life and influence you to do the same.
Surround yourself with positive people. Now question arises; who are the they ? Positive people you are searching for are positive happy people that enrich your life.




Relax!! ~stop for a moment . Take a deep breath and exhale . Stop trying to figure it all out. Our Creator has a bigger plan for you. He/she is able to do above all that we ask or think. Just trust the process. You are loved.



Peace of Mind

Be kind and gentle to others. That will transmit to your heart as a form of pure love and happiness. When Love and happiness are combined together, it creates peace of mind. what you give is what you get in your life as well.
