Ramadan Fasting is a Purification

Fasting in Ramadan is not only giving up food. You need to strictly give up anger, cheat on another, avoid all kind of evil action. On the other hand, be calm, serene, be kind, be compassionate, Practice empathy, release bad ego, jealousy, and straighten your own self from within.

When we fast we directly experience the pain of hungry people and we become kind, compassionate and grateful. We become more aware of others feeling and feel connection between one human being to another. You will start feeling oneness with all human beings regardless of religion, borders or labels. We are ONE human Race.

Fasting also detox our body, fasting allows our entire body to take rest from the breaking down food. During the Fasting in Ramadan for thirty days is a powerful practice. It will help us to restore and strengthen our focus, direction, balance and purpose to our lives.

Happy Ramadan everybody. It is okay to craving for food or other appealing subjects. This is a wonderful training time for become a better you. Yes 30 day you will remove all evil action and replace it with good deed. This practice will improve your will power. I know you can do it. If I can do it so can you. God, bless you.



One comment

  1. Fasting helps one to experience how a hungry person feels and what it is like to have an empty stomach.

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