Align your brain and heart

Most of the time I see status I can not sleep, I am sad. By doing these you are spreading negating energy among us . You are depleting your and others soul battery. Are you really alone?? Ask yourself. God is always connected with you. The state or situation of being alone give us an opportunity to discover our own self and find your own inner voice.
Solitude gives us time to think deeply.
Close your eyes. Be there~don’t judge~ Enjoy and completely surrender to the moment.
When your mind and heart aligned in a purpose you will see a brand new beautiful magnificent world within yourself. Our brain and heart are very powerful tools. They are not limited to strengthen or support physically or mentally but they can both help us experience the world in a profound way.

We have ability to think with our brain and heart. Our mind may roam around in the different level. It has a habit to be critical, analytical and logical but heart knows true answer. Well, next time, listen up to your heart. Heart’s language is compassion, kindness, Love, peace and all other supportive words. Imagine heart is speaking to you, In fact heart always providing us signal. You have to be aware of it.
Next time you feel like you are too stressful or overwhelmed with pain, Pause, take a deep breath and merge your thoughts with the emotions from your heart center. Visualize they are aligning, and creating a beautiful healing light to help ease your stress so that you can create a better-feeling experience. When your inner self is in peace you will vibrate peace to your surroundings. Don ‘t look for peace outside. Try to find and create it within yourself. Quiet your mind and discover. Please Re charge your soul battery by connecting with God through prayers. Each time you feel negativity connect with tat supreme soul and charge your soul battery. ~CR


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