Don’t Judge

There are 3 sides to every story. One side, the other side and the truth. Understanding is a very sensitive subject, It is like an edge of the Triangle. You, other party and Truth . ❤

Ignore Them

No matter what you do there’s always somebody that finds fault but you will survive knowing that you’re doing the best you can. If you think you can do better then do so. nothings impossible
It’s your life. Live it! What others think of you is not your concern. Ignore the naysayers, the fear mongers, those who are too cowardly to forge a path where there is none. Let them live in their little corner of the world. But don’t let them stop you from exploring your place in the world. Listen to your heart and follow. Be kind to others. You will never be able to please everyone and that is part of life.


Let Go and grow

The past is the past There is nothing you can do about the wrongs of yesterday. It has nothing to do with current situation. Do not let anything from your past hurt you in this present moment. Just start over. Start fresh. each morning, each hour, each second if it serves you. Move forward. Door is open. life will reward you with a new hello. Trust me. Just Relax . Life is beautiful. Release fear and choose Love. Notice and count what’s good about your life. Making peace with the rest.

Photo: Choitalyk Ruman


Know yourself

Love is divine. Love is the most beautiful, soothing and powerful force and it’s resides within us. Love, purity and peace are the original nature of the soul.

It has been all along within each of us, since we born.

Later we were taught about race, Religion, politics and classes. Those systems polluted our mind with false ego, jealously, superiority and inferiority complex. We disconnected with our original quality.

We need to connect with our originality. Need to find out who we really are.  Expand your consciousness and be aware of it.

Dont judge. Just relax. notice, pause and observe. Relaxation is very important. This will align your chakras, aura and help you to bloom your inner eye and feel your soul and get connected with our supreme soul. ~ CR

Choitalyk Ruman ( URM)



Without challenges I would never have identified, I have ability to find quick and smart ways to overcome difficulties.
I would never have discovered how resourceful, creative, insightful, loving and powerful I really am. The challenges we’re dealt can help us make something wonderful and inspiring. Don’t give up. Just be patient. Tough times are temporary. To unlock your hidden power self-acceptance/self-love is very essential.


Love and Pray

If your heart is filled with pain and hurt, how can you be open to anything new? Let them go and make a space for new possibility. The only way you can accept new happiness and joy into your life is to make room for it. Focus on NOW. Live in the present moment.
Staying on the positive side on a daily basis as much as possible makes life so much better.
Be yourself and love the ones who love you the most and Let’s ask God to bring healing to those who are unkind .
