Don’t Give Up

Happiness and pain both are part of our life but they both are temporary. Nothing is permanent, not even life itself. Life is full of obstacles, but we have to find the courage and strength to face them. You need to choose your own path. Happiness is all that matters !! Where is the destination ?
There is a beautiful path from the eye to the heart, That does not maintain any restriction. Happiness is hidden and wrapped up under worries. You can get connected that place very often. Just pause, take slow deep breath and relax. let go your past burden and focus on present moment. Go deeper and deeper into yourself and connect that peaceful place. That place is our real home.
Help yourself stay strong and positive.
After darkness there is always light .
Life is tough, but you are tougher. No matter how much it hurts, hold your head up and keep going. God gave you this challenge because you are strong enough to manage it .
You are very strong and powerful.

Author: Choitalyk Ruman

November 22, 2021