Embracing Love and Positivity: Finding Strength in Life’s Challenges”

By ChoitalykRuman

Happiness and pain are intrinsic to our lives, yet both are fleeting. Nothing is permanent, not even life itself. Life presents us with countless obstacles, but it is our courage and strength that enable us to face them. It is imperative to choose your own path, for in the end, happiness is what truly matters. Remember to stay strong and positive, for after darkness, there is always light.

Life is tough, but you are tougher. No matter how much it hurts, hold your head high and keep moving forward. The challenges you face are given to you because you have the strength to overcome them. You are inherently strong and powerful, so do not waste your precious time. Everyone needs to learn compassion and love, as everything else is an illusion. Only love is real. Be humble, kind, and gentle to others.

Where is our destination? There is a beautiful path from the eye to the heart, free of any restrictions. Happiness is often hidden beneath worries, but it is there for you to uncover. Pause, take slow, deep breaths, and relax. Let go of past burdens and focus on the present moment. Delve deep within yourself and connect with that peaceful place, for that is your true home. Each person carries the weight of their past lifetimes and strives for happiness, peace, and joy. Be humble, kind, and gentle to others, for we often fail to understand or acknowledge what we have not experienced in life.

Love one another. Make life beautiful and spread joy to others. Evil breeds violence, terrorism, hatred, and intergroup murder. From reading various religious texts, I have come to realize that there is no religion among terrorists. The cycle of violence can only be broken by non-violence. We must transmit love. Be compassionate to preserve humanity. Hatred cannot be eradicated by retaliation; only love has the power to transform.

Our ethics, peace, culture, and civilization are being destroyed by these atrocities. This must end. Be aware, wake up, and unite. Only love is true, and it can heal the world. Save our beautiful blue planet—our mother Earth—because she needs our love. Don’t you care?

Instead of inciting further violence through retaliation, each of us should learn to love others unconditionally. Teach love and spread it to all people, regardless of their politics, gender, sexual orientation, or religion. Let love be the guiding force in our lives, for it is the only true path to a harmonious and peaceful world.

Authentic Self

You are a beautiful light for others, but you are also a light for yourself.
One’s mental alignment changes some point.
We unexpectedly conclude that non-alignment is no longer worthwhile, and this shifts our motivation.

We gradually learn to value our authentic selves more than the fantasy of the person we “should” be.

This change in consciousness allows us to recognize the areas where we are inconsistent. Being perfect is not the goal; rather, it’s about recognizing the truth of who we are in various situations.

Note to myself

প্রতিদিন সকালে ঘুম থেকে উঠে সৃষ্টি কর্তার কাছে আমি কৃতজ্ঞতা জানাই. এতো সুন্দর একটি দিন উপহার দেয়ার জন্য! হে প্রভু, তোমার ঐশ্বরিক করুণা অসীম, সমুদ্রের মতো, আমি তার এক ফোঁটা নিয়েই সন্তুষ্ট I
আমরা আমাদের পার্থিব দেহের সাজের পূর্ণতা আনতে গহনা, পোশাক, স্পা, সুট, আর কত কি করি। তার পরেও কি আমরা সুখী? কেন সুখী নয়? কারন আমাদের আত্মা প্রশান্ত নয়। আমরা আমাদের মনের এবং অন্তরের গভীরে যাইনা।
আমাদের মাঝে আছে চিরজীবী শান্তি প্রিয় এক আত্মা I তার শান্তির জন্য আমাদের হৃদয়কে সাজাতে হবে উদারতা, কোমলতা, নিঃশর্ত প্রেম দিয়ে। স্নিগ্ধ আলোয় আলোকিত করতে হবে আমাদের অন্তরকে। আমাদের সতর্ক হতে হবে আমাদের কাজে অন্যরা যেন আঘাত না পায় , কারো হৃদয় ভেঙ্গে না যায় আমার নির্দয় আচরণে ! প্রতিটি হৃদয় অমূল্য হীরক খন্ড ! অকরূণ ভাবে অন্যকে আঘাত করলে, ওই আঘাত শুধু ওই ব্যক্তির মাঝে ই সীমা বদ্ধ থাকেনা, তার আলোড়ণ সারা পৃথিবীতে ছড়িয়ে পরে !
সৃষ্টি কর্তা ওই দূর আকাশে বসবাস করেন না !! তার বসবাস প্রতিটা মানুষের অন্তরে !

Power of Prayer.

Photo captured by me . Location Cameron Park

What makes you detest your life? I can feel your suffering.  It’s ok to be feeling this way.

Why don’t you step outside and gaze upward? Look  up at the sky.

what a huge and wonderful beauty. There are occasionally storms and varying levels of cloudiness, but it also boasts stunning sunrises, brilliant sunsets, and the lovely moon on a foggy night.

 Just think about a few of these. Most of us get some sort of mystical or aesthetic sensation when we give it some thought. Though there are ups and downs in life, it is still wonderful. The journey through life is amazing. Be positive, love life  and have trust the processofGod.

Relax and be patient. Stay in the present moment.

When we feel we are being poisoned by pressure, stress, pain, or failure, the best antidote is to pray. 

Close your eyes and surrender to Supreme Power. seek for guidance.

Prayer is the solution for receiving proper guidance from the Supreme Power.

Life is a Gift

If you concentrate on your problems, they will only become worse. If you concentrate on your lessons, you will keep improving.
In life you will experience difficult time, and that is normal. No need to ruin the moment you’re in by concentrating on them.

Sorrows are part of your life. Enjoy the beauty and focus on your insights. It will help you grow.

Life is a balance of good and bad times. Good and bad periods coexist in life. Nothing lasts forever. Pay attention to the beautiful things in your life. Give God praise for that.
So, by concentrating your attention on appealing things, you develop and broaden your creativity and courage