Self-discovery and internalizing love rather than relying on external exchanges.

Imagine your heart is like a school, and love is the subject you’re learning. Instead of thinking of love as something you get from others or give to them, consider it as a course you’re mastering within yourself.In this school of love, the classes aren’t about receiving affection or giving gifts. Instead, they focus on understanding and embodying love within you. It’s like becoming the best student of your own heart.Think of moments when you’ve felt love, not just from others but also within yourself. Reflect on what made those moments special and try to recreate them. Gradually, you’ll find stability not in external gestures but in your ability to be a source of love independently. It’s like becoming the teacher of your own heart’s subject.

In this school of love, the classes aren’t about receiving affection or giving gifts. Instead, they focus on understanding and embodying love within you. It’s like becoming the best student of your own heart.

Think of moments when you’ve felt love, not just from others but also within yourself. Reflect on what made those moments special and try to recreate them. Gradually, you’ll find stability not in external gestures but in your ability to be a source of love independently. It’s like becoming the teacher of your own heart’s subject.

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