The Sacred Hands of  Jobaida

You might notice these hands are wrinkled, but to me, they are imbued with love and wisdom. The world is divine and sacred. We are sacred. Our entire lives are devoted to the service of God. Our daily prayers are like the surrender on the lips of breaking waves, the whispers of the trees, and the shimmering of flowers.

In the quiet village of  Teknaf,  chittagong ‘ Bangladesh nestled between rolling hills and ancient forests, there lived an old woman named Jobaida. Her hands, wrinkled and calloused, were the subject of much curiosity among the village children. They would often ask, “Why are your hands so wrinkled, Dadi (Grandmother ).

With a gentle smile, Dadi Jubaida  would reply, “These hands may be wrinkled, but they are filled with love and wisdom. Each wrinkle tells a story, a chapter of a life spent in devotion and service.

Dadi Jubaida’s story began many years ago when she was just a young girl living in a distant city. Her life changed when a mysterious illness swept through, taking her parents and leaving her alone. Despite her grief, she found solace in the city’s grand library, where she immersed herself in ancient texts and sacred scriptures. It was there she discovered a profound sense of purpose: to live a life of service and devotion.

One day, Jubaida came across a worn, leather-bound book that spoke of the sacredness of the world. It described how every tree, flower, and wave was a manifestation of the divine, and how true happiness could be found in recognizing and honoring this sacredness. Inspired, Elara left the city and embarked on a pilgrimage to Elmswood, a place she believed to be the heart of the world’s sacred energy.

In Teknaf , Jubaida devoted herself to helping others. She tended to the sick, taught the village children, and spent hours in the forest, communing with nature. Her prayers became part of the natural world—echoing through the rustling leaves, the bubbling brooks, and the vibrant flowers. The villagers often saw her walking along the shoreline, whispering her prayers to the waves, believing each prayer was carried to the divine by the breaking waves.

As years passed, Jubaidas’ hands grew wrinkled and worn from her labors, but they also became symbols of her life’s devotion. She would tell the children, “Our lives are intertwined with the sacred rhythm of the universe. Every action, every prayer, is a part of that rhythm. We are dedicated to serving the divine, and in doing so, we find our true purpose.”

One summer, a terrible drought struck Teknaf. The crops withered, and the villagers despaired. Jubaida, however, remained steadfast. She led the villagers in daily prayers, their voices rising together like a symphony of hope. They prayed by the river, in the fields, and under the ancient oak trees. Each prayer was a plea for rain, a testament of their faith in the divine’s benevolence.

One evening, as Jubaida knelt by the river, her hands submerged in the cool, still water, a gentle rain began to fall. The villagers, filled with joy, ran out to embrace the rain, their prayers answered. Jubaida s heart swelled with gratitude. She looked at her hands, now glistening with raindrops, and felt a deep connection to the divine presence that had guided her throughout her life.

From that day on, the villagers of Teknaf held Jubaida’s hands in reverence. They saw them not just as old and wrinkled, but as symbols of a life lived in devotion, love, and wisdom. Jubauda’s legacy continued to inspire generations, reminding them that in every prayer, in every act of kindness, the sacred and the divine are always present.

And so, in the quiet moments of reflection and in the bustling activity of daily life, the people of Teknaf found the sacred. They remembered Jubaida’s words and her life, knowing that they too were part of the divine rhythm, connected to each other and the world in a bond of love and devotion.

You might notice these hands are wrinkled, but to me, they are imbued with love and wisdom. The world is divine and sacred. We are sacred. Our entire lives are devoted to the service of God. Our daily prayers are like the surrender on the lips of breaking waves, the whispers of the trees, and the shimmering of flowers

.In these hands, every crease tells a story of a life spent in devotion and service. Each wrinkle is a testament to countless acts of kindness, moments of wisdom, and years of unwavering faith. The divine essence of the world is mirrored in these hands, reminding us hat every aspect of creation holds a touch of the sacred

.Our lives, intertwined with the sacred rhythm of the universe, are dedicated to the divine. In every action and thought, we strive to serve a higher purpose. Our prayers, whether spoken or silent, echo through the natural world—resonating in the gentle murmur of the trees, the glimmer of sunlight on flower petals, and the rhythmic dance of the waves upon the shore.These prayers are not just words, but a heartfelt surrender, a continuous offering of our devotion. They flow like a river through our lives, connecting us to the divine presence that pervades all existence. In the quiet moments of reflection and in the bustling activity of daily life, we find the sacred, reminding us of our deep connection to the divine and to each other.

Glancing at the Night Sky: A Reflection on Courage and Inspiration

By ChoitalykRuman  05/23/2034

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, we often overlook the profound beauty and vastness of the night sky. However, people would live quite differently if they made it a habit to glance at the sky every night. When you stare into the infinity of the cosmos, it becomes evident that there are more significant things than the mundane activities and stresses that occupy our days. This simple act of looking up can remind us of our place in the universe and inspire a sense of awe and perspective.

The Courage to Endure

Facing adversity requires genuine bravery. It takes true strength to remain resolute and composed in challenging times. This strength is not just about enduring hardship but also about pushing forward despite it. In a negative environment, it takes real courage to move forward, to keep striving, and to maintain a positive outlook. This kind of resilience can take a person far in life, helping them to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

The Ripple Effect of Strength

What many people fail to realize is that their own courage and strength can have a profound impact on others. The inspiration you give through your actions, the positive attitude you maintain, and the resilience you exhibit are all priceless. You may never fully understand the extent to which your courage influences those around you, but rest assured, it does. Your ability to stay strong and positive in the face of adversity can inspire others to do the same.

The Invisible Audience

We often don’t realize who might be looking up to us for inspiration or drawing strength from our example. It could be your family, children, spouse, partner, friends, or anyone dear to you. Each person in your life is part of your invisible audience, watching and learning from your actions and attitudes. Your resilience can provide them with the courage they need to face their own challenges.

A Legacy of Inspiration

By  a positive attitude and demonstrating strength in the face of adversity, you create a legacy of inspiration. This legacy can spread far beyond your immediate circle, influencing countless others who observe your example. In this way, your courage and positivity can have a far-reaching impact, contributing to a more resilient and inspired community.

Gain power and inspire others

In the grand scheme of things, the daily grind often seems insignificant when compared to the vastness of the universe. By glancing at the night sky, we can gain a broader perspective and find the inspiration to face our challenges with courage and strength. Remember that your actions and attitudes have the power to inspire those around you, creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond what you can see. So, take a moment each night to look up at the stars, and let their infinite beauty remind you of the boundless potential within yourself and those you inspire.


People would live quite differently if they glanced at the sky every night. When you stare into infinity, you understand that there are more significant things than what humans do all day. It takes genuine bravery to be strong in the face of adversity. But that strength may go a long way!Sometimes, it takes real strength and courage to move forward in a negative environment! But this strength and courage can take people a long way!! You will never understand, the courage you give, the inspiration you give, the positive attitude you create and spread are priceless .You never know who is looking up to you for inspiration or a source of their own strengths. It might be your family, children, husband, wife, partner, friends, or anyone dear to you.

The Power of Authenticity: Seeing the World Through Honest Eyes

By ChoitalykRuman May 19, 2024

Photo  ChoitalykRuman

In a world filled with curated social media feeds, filtered selfies, and superficial interactions, finding a space for authenticity can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Yet, the most profound transformation happens when we decide to be honest and sincere with ourselves. This commitment to authenticity not only reshapes our inner world but also revolutionizes the way we perceive others.

When you are truly honest with yourself, you begin to see everything as it is. The layers of illusion and pretense that often cloud your vision start to peel away. This clarity comes from a deep self-awareness and acceptance of your true self, with all its imperfections and strengths. You no longer feel the need to project a facade or fit into a mold created by societal expectations. Instead, you embrace your uniqueness and allow your true self to shine.

This internal shift profoundly impacts how you see others. Rather than viewing them through the lens of your desires, expectations, or biases, you start to see them for who they truly are. This perspective fosters genuine connections and deepens your relationships. It allows for empathy, as you understand that everyone is on their own journey, battling their own struggles, and celebrating their own victories.

Being yourself is a revolutionary act in a world that often encourages conformity. It requires courage to stand by your values and beliefs, even when they go against the grain. But this courage is rewarded with a sense of freedom and peace. You are no longer burdened by the need to impress or please others. Instead, you live a life that is true to your essence, and this authenticity radiates outward, influencing those around you.

Living authentically doesn’t mean you have it all figured out or that you are perfect. It means you are willing to confront your flaws, learn from your mistakes, and grow continuously. It means you accept yourself fully and extend the same acceptance to others. This openness creates a ripple effect, encouraging others to also embrace their true selves.

The journey towards authenticity is ongoing and ever-evolving. It requires introspection, self-compassion, and a commitment to personal growth. But the rewards are immeasurable. You gain a clearer sense of purpose, stronger relationships, and a more profound understanding of the world around you.

So, take a moment to reflect on your own life. Are you being honest and sincere with yourself? Are you seeing the world and the people in it as they truly are, or through the distorted lens of expectations and desires? Challenge yourself to peel away the layers of pretense and embrace the power of authenticity. When you are true to yourself, you not only transform your own life but also inspire others to do the same. Be yourself. There’s no one else who can do it better.

The Power of a Single Flower: A Moment of Mindfulness in a Hectic World

By ChoitalykRuman  May , 16, 2024

In our fast-paced, modern world, it’s easy to get lost in the rush of daily life. The constant buzz of technology, the ceaseless demands of work, and the never-ending stream of social obligations often leave us with little time to pause and appreciate the simple beauties around us. One of these simple beauties is a flower, something many people pass by without a second glance. But when you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it becomes your entire world for that moment.

Holding a flower and truly seeing it is an exercise in mindfulness. It draws your attention to the present moment, encouraging you to notice the intricate details—the delicate petals, the vibrant colors, the subtle fragrance. This act of mindful observation transforms the flower from a mere part of the background into a focal point of beauty and tranquility. It’s an experience that brings a sense of peace and a reminder of the natural wonders that surround us, often unnoticed.

I have a deep desire to share this experience with others. Living in a bustling city, I see countless people rushing from one place to another, absorbed in their thoughts or glued to their screens. In this constant hurry, there’s little room for the serene presence of a flower. People often miss the chance to connect with nature, to find a moment of calm in their busy lives. I want to change that. I want to give the gift of that world to someone else—to make them see the flower, even if they hadn’t planned to.

By placing flowers in unexpected places or simply giving them to people, we can create these moments of beauty and mindfulness. This small act of kindness can encourage people to slow down and reconnect with the natural world, if only for a brief moment. It’s a reminder that amidst the hustle and bustle, there are still simple pleasures to be found and cherished.

Imagine walking down a crowded city street and suddenly coming across a vibrant flower placed where you can’t help but notice it. It might be on a park bench, tucked into a crack in the pavement, or handed to you by a stranger. This unexpected encounter could be a momentary escape from the chaos, a chance to pause and appreciate something beautiful. It might seem like a small thing, but such moments can have a profound impact.

This endeavor is about more than just flowers. It’s about cultivating a mindset of appreciation and mindfulness. It’s about recognizing that in every ordinary day, there are extraordinary moments waiting to be discovered. It’s about showing people that beauty is all around us, even in the heart of the city.

In conclusion, by taking a flower in our hands and truly looking at it, we immerse ourselves in a world of beauty and tranquility. Sharing this experience with others can help them find a moment of peace in their hectic lives. Let’s make a conscious effort to notice the flowers around us and share this simple yet profound joy with others. In doing so, we can spread a little more beauty and mindfulness in our world

Dive Deep: Discovering the Vast Ocean of Your Mind

By ChoitalykRuman  May 16, 2024

Have you ever thought about your mind as a huge, vast ocean? It’s a pretty cool analogy when you think about it. The surface can seem all agitated, restless, and wavy, just like our thoughts when we’re stressed or overwhelmed. But what if I told you there’s a way to calm those waves and dive deeper into the peaceful depths of your mind

Finding Calm in the Chaos

First off, let’s talk about that choppy surface. Our minds can feel like a stormy sea, especially with all the negativity and distractions we face daily. But just like the ocean, beneath those restless waves lies a serene and tranquil place. To get there, we need to cleanse and balance our mindset. It’s about letting go of negativity and all those earthly distractions that clutter our thoughts.

The Power of a Deep Breath:

So, how do we dive deeper? It’s simpler than you might think. Start with a deep breath. Yes, really—just take a deep breath and let it out slowly. This small act is like a key that unlocks a door to a more peaceful state of mind. As you continue to breathe deeply, imagine yourself sinking below the surface, leaving the chaos behind.

Embracing the Peaceful Depths

Now, you’ve reached a deeper level of your mind, where everything is calm and relaxing. This is where you can find true wisdom. It’s like diving for pearls in the ocean; the deeper you go, the more precious the pearls you find. In this case, the pearls are insights and understanding that can help guide your life.

The Stillness Within

Take some time each day to relax and just be still. In our busy lives, it’s easy to forget how powerful stillness can be. When you go deep within yourself, you tap into an unlimited field of possibilities. It’s a place where you can heal from within.

Spreading Healing Energy:

Once you’ve begun to heal yourself, something amazing happens—you can start to spread that healing energy to others. Think about it: your calmness and positive energy can influence everyone around you. And it doesn’t stop there. Imagine spreading that healing energy not just to people nearby, but to the entire Universe. It sounds grand, but every bit of positive energy helps heal the world.

Embracing Your Limitless Soul:

Remember, you are a limitless soul with immense power. By diving deep into your mind, you can access this power and use it to create positive changes in your life and the world around you. So next time your mind feels like a stormy ocean, take a deep breath, dive deeper, and discover the peace and power that lies within.

I’m focused on nurturing my inner self, even if my external appearance can be imperfect at times.  I am busy with decorating my heart and soul. My outer beauty can be messy sometimes

Give yourself permission to explore this vast ocean of your mind. Who knows what incredible treasures you might find beneath the surface?



Nostalgia: A Spiritual Band-Aid for Modern ChaosKeywords: Nostalgia,

By Choitalyk Ruman  05/11/2024

In the middle of the continual bustle and chaos of modern life, nostalgia offers a peaceful respite. Nostalgia, like a soft breeze conveying remnants of the past, acts as a spiritual bandage, mending the scars and scratches caused by our time’s unrelenting pace.

In today’s fast-paced world, where stress and anxiety often reign supreme, the allure of nostalgia lies in its ability to transport us to a simpler, more comforting era. It’s like stepping into a time machine, where the worries of the present momentarily fade away, replaced by fond recollections of bygone days.

The power of nostalgia lies not only in its ability to evoke memories but also in its capacity to heal. Just as a band-aid protects and nurtures a wound, nostalgia provides a sense of solace and reassurance in times of distress. Whether it’s reminiscing about childhood adventures, revisiting cherished family traditions, or recalling moments of pure joy, these nostalgic reflections offer a reprieve from the stresses of everyday life

In essence, nostalgia serves as a form of self-care, allowing us to pause, reflect, and find comfort in the familiar. It reminds us of who we are and where we come from, grounding us in our personal history amidst the chaos of the present. Moreover, studies have shown that engaging in nostalgic reminiscence can have psychological benefits, such as reducing feelings of loneliness, boosting mood, and fostering a sense of belonging.

Beyond its individual benefits, nostalgia also plays a profound societal role. In a world marked by rapid technological advancements and shifting cultural landscapes, nostalgia serves as a bridge between generations, connecting the past with the present and imparting wisdom from one era to the next. By sharing nostalgic stories and experiences with younger generations, we not only preserve our collective heritage but also foster a sense of continuity and belonging across time.

Moreover, nostalgia has the power to inspire creativity and innovation. As we reflect on the successes and failures of the past, we gain insights into what has worked well and what could be improved upon. This reflective process can spark new ideas and solutions, leading to innovation in various fields, from art and literature to technology and business. By drawing upon the lessons of the past, we can chart a course for the future that is both informed by tradition and open to new possibilities.

In essence, nostalgia serves as a timeless reminder of the human experience – a testament to our capacity for resilience, adaptability, and hope. It reminds us that, no matter how tumultuous the present may seem, there is always the promise of a brighter tomorrow. So, let us embrace the healing power of nostalgia, for in its comforting embrace, we find not only solace for the wounds of today but also the seeds of hope for a better, more connected future.

Taking Advantage of the Present to Shape a Better Future

By Choitalyk Ruman  05/03/2024

Introduction: In a world filled with uncertainty, it’s easy to get caught up in worrying about the future. However, what if the key to creating a better tomorrow lies not in what’s to come, but in the present moment? This article explores the profound idea that the power for creating a better future is contained in the present moment, and how we can harness this power to shape a brighter tomorrow.

The Power of the Present Moment: At its core, the concept is simple yet profound: the actions we take, the decisions we make, and the mindset we cultivate in the present moment all play a crucial role in shaping the trajectory of our future. Instead of dwelling on what might be or regretting the past, embracing the present empowers us to take meaningful steps towards the future we desire.

Creating a Positive Present: One of the most effective ways to shape a better future is by intentionally crafting a positive present. This involves being mindful of our thoughts, words, and actions, and choosing to focus on what brings joy, fulfillment, and meaning to our lives. Whether it’s practicing gratitude, pursuing passions, or nurturing relationships, each moment presents an opportunity to invest in a future filled with happiness and success.

Seizing Opportunities: The present moment is also ripe with opportunities waiting to be seized. By staying open-minded, curious, and proactive, we can capitalize on these opportunities to learn, grow, and expand our horizons. Whether it’s pursuing a new career path, starting a business, or embarking on a personal journey of self-discovery, embracing the present allows us to step boldly into the future we envision.

The Ripple Effect: Furthermore, the impact of our present actions extends far beyond ourselves. Every positive choice we make, every act of kindness we extend, and every moment of inspiration we share has the power to create a ripple effect, touching the lives of others and shaping the collective future of humanity. By leading by example and spreading positivity, we contribute to a world that is more compassionate, inclusive, and hopeful.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the power for creating a better future is indeed contained in the present moment. By embracing the present, cultivating positivity, seizing opportunities, and embracing the ripple effect of our actions, we can actively shape a brighter tomorrow for ourselves and for generations to come. So let us make the most of each moment, knowing that in doing so, we are laying the foundation for a future filled with promise, possibility, and potential.

#UmmeyMiah  #ChoitalykRuman

Discover the 10 Unique Strengths of Selfless Helpers

By Choitalyk Ruman 05/03/2024

Have you ever encountered someone who just radiates kindness, always ready to lend a hand without expecting anything in return? There’s something truly remarkable about these individuals. It’s not just about being nice; it’s about possessing a unique set of strengths that set them apart from the crowd.

1. Empathy:

Empathy is the cornerstone of selfless acts. It’s more than just understanding someone’s feelings; it’s about truly stepping into their shoes and feeling their emotions as if they were your own. Empathetic individuals have a remarkable ability to sense when someone is in need and offer their support without hesitation

.2. Compassion:

Compassion goes hand in hand with empathy. It’s the driving force behind acts of kindness and understanding. Those who possess this strength not only recognize suffering in others but are also driven to alleviate it in any way they can. Their hearts are open, and their actions are fueled by a genuine desire to make a positive difference in the world

.3. Altruism:

At the core of selfless helpers lies altruism – the belief in selflessly promoting the welfare of others, even at the expense of one’s own interests. Altruistic individuals find fulfillment in giving without expecting anything in return, embodying the true spirit of generosity and goodwill.

4. Resilience:

Selfless helpers often face challenges and setbacks in their quest to assist others. Yet, it’s their resilience that allows them to persevere in the face of adversity. They bounce back from disappointments and setbacks, fueled by their unwavering dedication to making a positive impact in the lives of those around them.

5. Patience:

Patience is a virtue, especially for those who dedicate themselves to helping others. Selfless individuals understand that change takes time, and they’re willing to patiently support and guide others on their journey. They listen attentively, offer gentle encouragement, and provide unwavering support, knowing that every small step forward is a victory worth celebrating

.6. Generosity: 

Generosity is not just about giving material possessions; it’s about giving of oneself – time, attention, and kindness. Selfless helpers are incredibly generous with their resources, always ready to offer a helping hand or a listening ear to those in need. Their generosity knows no bounds, enriching the lives of others in countless ways.

7. Empowerment:

Selfless helpers empower others to reach their full potential. They believe in the inherent strength and resilience of every individual and strive to uplift and inspire those they encounter. Whether through mentorship, encouragement, or practical assistance, they empower others to overcome obstacles and pursue their dreams with confidence and determination.

8. Adaptability:

In the ever-changing landscape of life, adaptability is key. Selfless helpers possess the flexibility and resourcefulness to navigate through challenges and uncertainties with grace and resilience. They’re quick to adjust their approach and strategies as needed, always keeping the best interests of those they serve at heart.

9. Humility:

Despite their remarkable strengths and achievements, selfless helpers remain humble and grounded. They don’t seek recognition or praise for their actions but instead focus on making a meaningful difference in the lives of others. Their humility allows them to connect authentically with those they assist, fostering trust and mutual respect.

10. Gratitude:

Last but not least, selfless helpers cultivate a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunities to serve others. They recognize the profound privilege it is to make a positive impact in someone else’s life and approach each act of kindness with a grateful heart. Their gratitude fuels their passion and commitment, inspiring them to continue spreading kindness and compassion wherever they go.

In conclusion, selfless helpers possess a unique set of strengths that enable them to make a lasting impact in the lives of others. From empathy and compassion to resilience and gratitude, these qualities define their character and shape their actions. Let us celebrate and honor the selfless helpers in our lives, for they truly embody the best of humanity.

Unlock Your Superpowers: The Incredible Magic of Kindness and Compassion

By Choitalyk Ruman May 2nd,2024

Photo : Choitalyk Ruman

Introduction: Welcome to the superhero training ground, where ordinary humans transform into extraordinary beings armed with the mightiest weapons of all: kindness and compassion. In this wild adventure, we’ll dive into the incredible magic that happens when you sprinkle a little love and empathy into the world.

So, picture this: When you sprinkle kindness and compassion around like confetti, it’s like hitting the “refresh” button on your soul. You’re not just giving love and happiness to others; you’re filling up your own heart with that good stuff, too. And guess what happens when you mix love and happiness together? Boom! Clarity of mind kicks in. It’s like wiping away all the fog and seeing things crystal clear. Plus, here’s the awesome part: What goes around comes around. So, when you’re dishing out positivity, guess what you’re attracting back? Yep, more of the good stuff. It’s like a happiness boomerang! And let’s not forget, our world is like a giant hug factory that’s constantly in need of more joy. We humans, with our superpowers of empathy and compassion, have the ability to be total game-changers. Seriously, we’re like superheroes in disguise, armed with the most powerful force out there: love.

1. The Power of Pure Love and Happiness

Imagine your heart as a sponge, soaking up every drop of kindness you give out to others. It’s not just a one-way street; that warmth and joy bounce right back, flooding your soul with pure love and happiness. It’s like hitting the jackpot of feel-good vibes!

2. Clarity of Mind:

Seeing Clearly Through the Fog Ever felt like your brain was a foggy mess, with thoughts bouncing around like a pinball machine? Enter love and happiness, the ultimate brain fog busters! When you mix these two powerhouses together, suddenly everything clicks into place. Clarity of mind becomes your superpower, guiding you through life’s twists and turns with ease.

3 The Law of Attraction:

What Goes Around Comes Around Picture this: You toss a pebble of joy into the pond of life, creating ripples of positivity that reach far and wide. But here’s the kicker – those ripples boomerang right back to you, bringing even more happiness your way. It’s the law of attraction in action, and you, my friend, are the master of the happiness boomerang!

4. Spreading Joy:

The World’s Greatest Need In a world that’s often starved for smiles and laughter, your mission – should you choose to accept it – is to spread joy like wildfire. Whether it’s a simple act of kindness or a heartfelt gesture, each spark of joy you ignite has the power to light up the darkest corners of the world. And trust me, the world needs that more than ever.

5. Embracing Our  Superpowers:

Humans, the Ultimate Game-Changers Here’s the big reveal: You, yes YOU, are a superhero in disguise. Armed with the most potent weapons of all – empathy and compassion – you have the power to change the world one act of kindness at a time. So, strap on your cape, my fellow superhero, and let’s show the world what we’re made of!

Conclusion: As we wrap up our epic journey into the heart of kindness and compassion, remember this: You hold the key to unlocking your superpowers and making the world a brighter, happier place for all. So go forth, spread joy like confetti, and let your inner superhero shine!