Cleansing Heart

Photo: Beautiful world

Allow me to become a new person by cleansing my mind and my heart, and I will dedicate the rest of my life to the service of mankind.
God, allow me to accomplish this and direct me to the path where your blessings continuously fall as particles of Life.

Love Heals

If you ever face difficult people in your life, Don’t react or hate them. They all are part of your life experience. Our true divine nature is love, purity, peace, bliss, happiness. Later those original true qualities buried deep beneath under the pain . Their negative attitude is caused by environmental factors and how they are raised. In deeper level they have unhealed pain and unfelt emotions. Since original good qualities are not easily accessible, they respond to you from a place of pain and unworthiness.
It is not your fault, So do not take it personally. Change your perception and see them as a teacher.
When people are triggering us; more love is needed. Hate is a danger to us all. Only love can heal such a wound !! Love is powerful but it does not fight, it does not battle. ~ CR


Keep Faith in God

Sometimes we may face unexpected difficulties and become overwhelmed with the situation. We feel that pressure is too much, seem too big, too unfair. Don’t worry; God knew they were coming. It may be so hard right now but the pressure is not going to stop you. You’re going to find the path that you didn’t know you had. He will make a way of escape so you can bear it. God will never let you face more pressure than you can handle. He won’t let more weight come on you than you have the strength to bear. Keep faith in him. No matter what our Creator loves you unconditionally. You are blessed. You are loved. ~ 




Thank you

It is an amazing day for me when I have shared a smile, caused a laugh and held close another heart. The well-being of the people in my life does matter to me. They bring happiness, joy, and harmony into my life. Thank you ~CR



I always focus on them who does not have anybody and make them somebody, Love unloved and make them beloved, I feel It is our reponsibility to help the helpless, love the unloved and bring hope to the hopeless. This is another way I worship God !!! ~CR


Children and Value

We need to teach our children values, how to cope with stressful situations. Humanism should be taught in schools and home to increase better citizens for the future. Every Child is born with pure love and kindness . All we need to do is create an educational system which will unlock the potential from their heart and mind. Of course it should begin from our own home. Le it flow.



Respect Everyone Equally

A few years back, I was standing in line at a western Union office to send money to Bangladesh. It was my turn and I needed to sign to complete the paper work. The cashier lady threw the pen at me, but I ignored it. I thought that maybe it was part of Mexican culture. Then an American gentleman came to her and she was extremely nice to him. she ended the transaction by saying “Have a nice day sir!”

Now it was an Indian-Bengali couple’s turn, they gave the lady their money. When it came time for the husband to sign, the cashier threw the pen at him. He was Orun Majumder, a director of a well reputed federal holding company. He signed the paper and threw the pen back at her exactly the way she threw it at him. Now the cashier looked at him with an annoyed expression.

He said, “ah~ ah~ Ah don’t look at me like that.” He pointed at me and said “you see that young lady over there, you don’t have any idea who she is and how excellent of a person she is. You threw the pen to her like that. She took your action in a positive way, but I feel you reap what you sow. Be equal to everyone.” ~ CR


Ramadan Fasting is a Purification

Fasting in Ramadan is not only giving up food. You need to strictly give up anger, cheat on another, avoid all kind of evil action. On the other hand, be calm, serene, be kind, be compassionate, Practice empathy, release bad ego, jealousy, and straighten your own self from within.

When we fast we directly experience the pain of hungry people and we become kind, compassionate and grateful. We become more aware of others feeling and feel connection between one human being to another. You will start feeling oneness with all human beings regardless of religion, borders or labels. We are ONE human Race.

Fasting also detox our body, fasting allows our entire body to take rest from the breaking down food. During the Fasting in Ramadan for thirty days is a powerful practice. It will help us to restore and strengthen our focus, direction, balance and purpose to our lives.

Happy Ramadan everybody. It is okay to craving for food or other appealing subjects. This is a wonderful training time for become a better you. Yes 30 day you will remove all evil action and replace it with good deed. This practice will improve your will power. I know you can do it. If I can do it so can you. God, bless you.




Relax!! ~stop for a moment . Take a deep breath and exhale . Stop trying to figure it all out. Our Creator has a bigger plan for you. He/she is able to do above all that we ask or think. Just trust the process. You are loved.
