Few years back I was sitting down in our Sunroom. I was kind of upset and having discussion with God. I was begging for a miracle to my lord. All of a sudden felt a beautiful breeze touched my face and hairs. In that very moment my son came to me and staring at me. Then I realize here is the great miracle in front of my eyes. Yes miracles are everywhere. Just make yourself open and be receptive 🙂 I am a woman. I am not weak. My family calls me Ocean and Banyan Tree. I have never bow my head to anyone except God. I’m a fighter, not a quitter. I believe women and men have equal rights. I also like to make sure there should not be any question about men and women.We complete each other. We are human. we all are connected to each other. Our Creator loves us equally. HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY to you all.

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